The more you stress elephant populations, the more they breed – the opposite from other animal species. Elephants were the path makers / road builder in the past, linking communities and different Bio-regions.


Space for Elephants Foundation (SEF) was created by a group of concerned individuals about the livelihood of Elephants and their restriction to move from one area to another.
It is a national non-profit conservation, research and educational organisation that facilitates more space through a network of corridors throughout the country to give back to the elephants their SPACE and thus a sound economic base for the people living adjacent to the corridors. Working together with the MAN and BIOSPHERE Program (MaB) the aim is to create a safe environment for our wildlife whilst still ensuring the well-being of human beings.


We as SEF has realised that to only focus on elephants and creating space for elephants will not turn our dream into reality, hence we have started campaigns that includes communities, environmentalists, governments and other organisations. Our dream is to see elephants migrate as they did 300 years ago to and from Angola to KwaZulu Natal in South Africa. We realise that it is a huge dream and it will not be easy to achieve, but that said it did not deter us from starting. Today we have a number of success stories in KwaZulu Natal, where we started on a small scale negotiating with farmers and local communities. We are working towards our dream and is asking for anyone with the same aspirations to contact us, to either help or support us.



+27 (0) 35 474 5181
PO Box 86, Eshowe, KwaZulu-Natal, 3815